Somehow this year we are not half as close to an organized, unhurried Christmas as I was last year. A nod to having your children in traditional school, I am certain.
We have had some illness in our family and today we are at home not contaminating anyone. Unfortunately we have a cookie exchange party scheduled here on Monday, which I will have to cancel. It's unfortunate since I spent a long time making cookies for it! And, of course, I just love parties.
We had our Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving and Advent calendars up and ready. We are going to send email Christmas Cards, but I don't think it is as satisfying as the real thing, and next year we will be sending real ones again. I find that since I know that I have until the day before to send them out, I am not as motivated to finish them. At least I did have the children's pictures taken on time. They look precious, all little angels together. What doesn't show is the 2 year old throwing props and pushing the sweet photographer.
What I am very proud of this year is my daughter made two Christmas presents. She made aprons for my mom and aunt out of the same material that we made my daughters this summer. She talked about reusing resources (leftover material) recycling (this was a ruined curtain) and even how using an apron saved the nice clothes you had on from extra washing. This was a great meeting of several sources, Kit Kitteredge movie this summer, Girl Scouts and our trip to Vogel Park in Georgia.
Although we have claimed this a Homemade Christmas, it isn't. I have to admit to a weakness for Cracker Barrel Country Store. They have sales at this time of year and I just can't seem to stay home from that! But they have such wonderful thing and since they are priced for travelers, there are so many reasonable things. I even bought shirts for myself. My favorite though is for parents of young children - there are so many items that help in restaurants, travelling and just plain fun little things. It makes me look like super smart mom! They usually have at least three separate themes, something rustic, something elegant and something funky-fun. And they WRAP! I had them wrap the slide whistles for the children. (Slide whistle was suggested by our speech therapist as a tool). Although if you are helping Santa, ask them not to use a shiny foil Cracker Barrel sticker. They also usually have their Christmas Willow Tree items on sale. (Although not the regular stock of angels and figures). Anyway, the kids and I had a large lunch out and had the leftovers for dinner. Yeah Cracker Barrel!
Now off to make a box to send out for two special kids at the other end of I-10.