Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Heavenly Bamboo

Okay, this photo is of the very top of a 8 foot Nandina domestica. Isn't it gorgeous? Obviously evergreen as it's up and kickin!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blooming in Northeast Florida

My lavendar Trailing Lantana (L. montevidensis/ L. sellowiana) is holding on through several freezes. It seems that the foliage has become a dark purple color. As much as I do not like Lantana (from childhood) I find this little jewel boldly standing in my garden struck a chord adn it's currently my favorite plant. Of course, it is also the only bloom to be found.

Luckily for lantana, the plant has several things going for it in our area. It loves full sun, needs moderate water (good for those of us that don't turn on sprinkles unless it's for a playdate) and is evergreen until heavy freezes. It is one of those great butterfly attractors, and little girls seem to be drawn to the little clusters of flowers which pull off easily for confetti. The fruit is noted as poisonous if ingested. I also find that any scratches from lantanta branches my my skin itch a bit.