Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas - guess what - Baby Jesus is here!

Well, just about Happy New Year!

This year I feel successful ... my son walked up to the church ready to put on his shepherd's costume and saw Baby Jesus in the outside nativity. He just took off, running wildly up to the scene, calling out "Mommy baby Jesus us here! Baby Jesus is here!" His voice was the joyous peel of the bells celebrating that miraculous birth! And although he is still quite excited about Santa, I am overjoyed that he is also aware that the tiny Christ child is so important.

Also, I must apologize to the other people at church. I was one of those awful mothers that took sick children to church that evening - two of my children were in the Christmas program. Well, it turned out to be a wonderful gift to me, I hope it didn't impact anyone else.

We did no crafts, although we certainly made some food! After going to a Christmas Cultures around the World Celebration, we were thrilled to hear about some Scilian traditions we tried to incorporate into our own Christmas Eve. We ended up having way too much food.

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