Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chill Zones for Florida - Apples Peaches Nectarines

We were looking at Varieties of fruit trees that will bear fruit in Florida. 

available online through
 There are some exciting new varieties out there, but we were stumped at the store nursery by the chill hours requirement for different varieties.  Frustrating, but although the nursery attendant really wanted us to take home some trees, they weren't able to tell us whether they were good for our area. 

With a little searching, here is the chill zone map for Florida from the UF Extension Office.

January through March are considered the best times to plant apple trees in North to Central Florida.  (Although it was mentioned that December was okay too.)

Here is a link to the Low Chill Apple Page at the UF Extension Office.

Update:   I found an interesting website that addressed apples grown in hot climates at Kuffel Creek.

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