Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Beautiful Day

After a rough start, this day has been a wonderful one. We were awakened by the carpool call notifying us they were running late. That set us in action in a hurry. Poor little boy, rushed through everything, pushed along, eating in less time than it took to brush his teeth. He still was smiling from beginning to end, joyful at the prospect of hours of play with his friends.

The rest of the household prepared for lessons and a foray back into gardening. Since my first set of seedlings has long since pushed off the protective clear plastic top, this is very necessary for our veggies. We are trying to decide how to best lay out the garden to minimize weeding and watering. So far, my darling little girl suggested a robot that weeded for me and my son volunteered to do the work himself. My sweet husband has a system of weed mat and paths. When his system runs awry, he himself labors for me.

A new and exciting addition is a trellis for the peas and other climbers. After watching the Gardening Girl online, we were inspired by her systems. He used an old design of his with metal piping with chicken wire, that bends over at the top to maximize the growing space for the height challenged (which to my husband means you are under 6 feet).

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