Friday, April 10, 2009

Websites for Learning

Why say Learning? Not Education? Because it sounds fun!

I was looking through a book with links to various sites and found some of theirs and extras too! is great for fashcards and simple math games that back up the flashcard work. - Geography initialtive from National Geographic for National Geography Week Awareness. My kids loved seaching for treasure, the pyramids and other map led adventures. - Teacher resources and teacher professional development programming across the curriculum -Annenberg Media resources can be accessed for FREE at - Math Lesson Site with Solid Design and pleasing layout Thinkquest has a competition for building a learning website hosted by Oracle Thinkquest Foundation. There are also posted websites that were submitted from students that can be used to assist in teaching a variety of subjects. Information on the US Postral Service - Look into the Who We Are sections for history, photos and link to the Postal Museum at the Smithsonian - The Hurricane Hunters have a CyberFlight (at the top of the page) as well as a very nice and informative website. There are descriptions of what each of the crew do, specs on the aircraft and of course meteorology information. - Art Juntion, a collaborative art space for teachers and students - Origami Art and instructions - basics and information on symbols -The Art of Renaissance
Science: - Drawing from One Point Perspective online lesson

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