Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

I am of the opinion that turkey guidelines exist soley to make a fool out of the guided. My turkey was a good hour after I had said dinner was to be. Hmmph. I guess that pop up button really was correct.

The kids had a blast. We made the day a memory day. They started out watching us put in the turkey (24 pounds). They traced each others hands on paper (while I did kitchen things), then both helped to trace mine. They wrote cards on what everyone was thankful for. As this was phonetic spelling, it was hilarious reading among the adults. They played outside with Grandpa, running and yelling for tag, swings and kick ball. Back inside they set up the children's Christmas tree with their uncle (Grandpa had some time off) and hung toys as ornaments on the tree. With a hour or so before dinner, the older two sat down and made place cards for each person with folded index cards and clip art they colored. They loved deciding who sat where. My daughter had a special prayer from school that she read and we said grace as well. After dinner and a walk down the street with the Grandparents, we wrote our letters to Santa Claus. We looked at last year's Christmas book and built snowmen with white & black felt pieces.

Only now I think I didn't get pictures.

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